
Photo Olivier Martino
Toko Blaze is 30 years musical wanderings, entoured by beautiful artistic meetings, by original music collaborations and amazing stages and discography representations.
A Phocaea urban griot, it is in Marseille, surrounded by sound systems, where Toko Blaze got his forces. Sponsored by TCHATCHE, made by Massilia Sound System, Toko just started, in 1990, his professional career with the Black Lions band. His blaze did not wait to be a Black Lions success for leaving them. The adventure is only beginning…
A real skank man, rhyming words and raised fist, Toko does not stop doing innovations and labeled by his lyrics the love and crushed with his two basic cultures> African and French. His music is a multiple influences mixes that we can called a fusion of popular music from Marseille cosmopolite neighborhoods.
Defianting easy words and demagogues talks, Toko Blaze dares breaking alarm bells, talking about certain world-s aberrations and emphasizes what irritates him. What is mostly censured by local diffusers.
However, it is by the music, he finally finds his place. Somewhere between France and Africa, red ground and tar. Citizen of the world, he gives us, by his lyrics, his double vision identity> French African and proves again that words does not have any limits.
LP « Tropical Cut » [Believe] 2020
EP « Numéro 10 » [Believe] 2018
Compilation « Tous dans le même bateau » [sos Méditérrannée] 2018
LP « Easy steady » [Believe] 2015
EP « J’aime » [Believe] 2015
EP « »Made in » [Believe] 2013
LP Namor « Canal historique » [Artistreet] 2011
LP « L’homme qu’on appelle… » [Believe] 2010
EP « Negra Musica » [Believe] 2010
LP Akhenaton « FaceB » [Emi] 2010
LP « Urban griot » [Believe] 2009
EP « Stand Up! Speak Up! [Believe] 2008
Compilation « Chroniques de Mars 2 » [Sony-bmg] 2007
LP « Ruff Tuff » [auto-prod/Africa Fête] 2006
LP Akhenaton “Soldat de fortune” [361/Naïve] 2006
LP “Rhythm’n’tchache” [Le petit mas/Mosaïc] 2006
Compilation « Om all stars » [Sony-bmg] 2005
LP Dupain « Les vivants » [Bleu electric/Corida] 2005
LP Oaistar [Adam/wagram] 2004
Compilation “Fiesta des suds 2003” [LG/Next music] 2003
Compilation Kongpilation [Banana Juice] 2003
Compilation “Marseille reggae all stars” [Polydor/Universal] 2002
LP “Guest star” [auto-prod/Musicast] 2002
LP Jamasound “Superpanoramas” [Patate records/Tripsichord] 2002
Compilation “Face cachée de Mars” [Globe/Sony music] 1997
Compilation « Ragga baleti » [Shaman/Universal] 1995
EP « Double tribu » [Roker promocion/Bondage] 1994